Monday, February 22, 2010

Safe and Soggy

Trip two is in full swing. We brought the rain from Ft. Lauderdale to Nassau, however, this did not keep our student missionaries from completing their first day of service to the people of the Bahamas. As we did last week, we divided our students in to two teams. One team went to serve lunch to the residence of All Saints. This team spent their time praying, singing and feeding this special group of people.

The second team stayed behind at the camp to continue the work on the landscaping project that week one began. All I can say is that the battle of the cactus continued and it lost (but I still came away with few needle pokes). Tomorrow the teams will switch places so both groups will have the opportunity to go to All Saints. We will finish our evening with a very special dinner for everyone. We will have pictures tomorrow morning.


Unknown said...

God Bless All of You!. Kaitlyn Webb we miss you already, but we know that you are there to do the Lord's work! We praise the Lord for His travel mercies on you and all of team 2. Rain or shine, you will bring His light to the people of the Bahamas. We pray that this experience will be blessed for all!
Good night , we miss you and we love you

Mommy ,Daddy and Max

Denise Slade said...

I pray that the Lord would pour out His blessings on each and every one of you!! Jenna Slade, we miss your smiling face here but I am so grateful that you have this opportunity to be used by God to bless others.
Now may the God of peace...equip you with all that is good to do His will, working in us what is pleasing in His sight. Hebrews 13:20-21

Joanne Darling-Wechter said...

We are praying for all of you and know that this will be a time you will never forget.
Christian Wechter we miss you so much please remember to take care while you are healing.
We are so grateful that our children can go to such a Christ centered school and experience this amazing blessing. We are praying for spiritual growth, and our Heavenly Fathers protection while you travel.

Unknown said...

The Boudreaux's
Congrats to the CCA team on your arrival in the mission field. Joel Schutte we miss you and hope you will build lasting memories that will fuel your personal relationship with Christ. Be diligent and intentional with your time and conversations pouring out as an offering to the people of the Bahamas. Your sister say's ga ga coo ga coo. Grace and Peace James, Judi and Anjolie...