The theme for our missions trip each year is "Knowing God and making Him Known". We are digging deeper in this theme by looking at what God's will for our life is. Each morning and evening we look at God's word to find out what his His will is. Last night we had a dinner illustration on how God desires for us to be concerned for those in the world that do not know where their next meal is coming from. It is called the feast of nations. Through this meal students were able to experience how the majority of the children feel each night before they go to bed each night, which is hungry (don't worry, we fed them again before they went to bed). Through this illustration, many students commented during their small group time that they will be grateful for the food they have at home and try not to be so picky. Another student thought she was not going to get anything, but was grateful when she was able to have a bowl of rice during our meal time.
Today, we will be serving the orphan and the poorest children of the island, fulfilling James 1:27 so that we may have the relationship that God desires us to have. Thanks for your messages. I will share them over breakfast and dinner today.
God Bless You and thank you for your updates. We are continuing to pray that God will and is being glorified through all of you.Please give Deborah our love and tell her we miss her. In Him, Ron,Geri,Daniel,and Brandy
We are so grateful to our Lord and Savior for the administration and leaders of CCA that are challenging our young people to go beyond themselves and have a global perspective of God's love. An opportunity to experience Jesus. We are in continuous prayer for you all to move and be moved by the Spirit. Missing my 8th graders today! ..anticipating your wonderful stories. We love you and are so proud of you Alex! Joyel Family
Thank you for the update! We are praying for everyone on this trip. We know that God is well pleased with the work being done in His name! We can't wait to hear the many God stories that will come from this trip! The Reis Family
I thank you for the updates which brighten my day so much. As a parent, I want to share that I too I'm learning through this experience. I pray for God's love and compassion to grow in each of you and that others will see our Lord in you as you touch the lives of the children and people you meet.
I'm so proud of you Angelica! I know God is working in you and your classmates to do His will. You have always had a heart for others and God has used you to help me grow too.
We love and miss you soooo much, Aracely, Laz, and Victoria
Say hi to Renee for us!
Any character training yet?
Thank God we live in the greatest country in the world.We are all so blessed to be in a position
to share God's Love with others.Thank You! the Leadership Team for showing our children how.I am praying for you all. I feel the Lord has sent you all to be a blessing to all you come in contact with.I can not wait to hear the God stories from
the children upon there return. Be A Blessing Sarah Love Mom & Dad
Thanks for the update and thanking God for the leadership on this trip. May the Holy Spirit continue to move in and through you all as you are a witness for Christ! Keep shining from glory to glory! We miss you Natasha! Love in Christ, Dad, Mom, Joseph & Paul
Thank you so much for the updates, it truly brings blessings to our hearts. We have such a great and glorious God and know He is truly at work in the lives there. We miss and love you Parker!! the williams family
Thanks so much for the update and for your great leadership team! I am praying with all my heart that these beautiful kids will experience God in a way they never have before and love on and serve the Bahamaian's with all their hearts! Evie-cita, we love and miss you and are praying for you continuously! The house is so empty without you! Dad, Mom and Erika especially misses you and feels bad she did'nt say goodbye!
Thank you for keeping us updated. We are praying for the kids that they would have a deeper spiritual walk as a result of this time away to serve the Lord and others. Grant, we love you and miss's very quiet around here without you. Love from Mom, Dad, Kyle and Emily.
Thank you for the update! These 8th graders are SO blessed to have the opportunity to experience the Bahama's with your leadership. You are all in prayer. Rachel, we love you and miss you. Mom, Brendan, Maggie, Sammie & Lilly
Well, it's a shame they didn't feel the full measure of going hungry throughout the night so as to be able to appreciate their next day's meals so much more, but that is how our Lord is with us--when we think He is not there to help us, He shows up even greater than before because He is Merciful, Gracious, Loving... So, we pray that the young ladies and gentlemen learn from this experience and do likewise by showing mercy, grace, and love to others, always knowing that He is with "YOU".
Mike, thank you for the update and I hope you're getting some sleep over there.
Autumn, we love you and miss you.
Dad, Mom, Daniel, and Guin Guin. <3 <3 <3 <3
The team's Wednesday sounds like it was full of great ministry. Imagine standing face-to-face with Jesus & hearing Him say "inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me." and "Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord." Persevere, serve with all your heart, give everything within you, and finish well my beloved Jordan.
Love you.
Thank you to all of the leaders for sacrificing your time and energy to love on and train our children.
I can't wait to hear all of your stories when you come home Christopher. I know God is showing up BIG for you. Let your light keep on shining!!! I am so proud of you. Know that so many are praying for you!
Mark 4:24
To the CCA staff and students:
We continue to praise the LORD for the work He is doing in and through you. Please know that you are continually in our prayers as you minister in Christ's Name. Connor, we miss you very much, but we are comforted in knowing that the time will pass quickly until you are home, yet the work you are all doing will have eternal significance. "Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9)
Blessings in Christ,
The Walcott family
All that alredy has being done , God bless You all,we keep praying for all the students and leaders and the Families and the ones that sponser my daughter Thank you Blessings for all .
Bruna mamae te ama muito tenho muitas saudades,beijinho
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