Friday, April 29, 2011

An Early Start For Next Year

Fund raising has begun! Even though the Bahamas Mission trip is 8 months away, our student missionaries partnered with the student missionaries of the high school and the Daily Grill to provide coffee, water, and breakfast pastries to those that attended the Easter services held at Lockhart Stadium. All proceeds will go to the students that served at the sun rise service and the 9:30 AM service. Each student served with a smile on their face as early risers worship the Lord together while the sun broke the eastern sky. Thanks to all of the students and parents that served this day.

Our students have also hosted a car wash in recent weeks at the Chick-fil-a in Coral Springs. If your student has not had the opportunity to serve (and raise funds), do not lose heart. Fund raisers for the coming school year are being prepared and our student missionaries will have multiple opportunities to serve together and raise funds for their missions experience. Students will also be provided a list of ideas they can do to raise funds on their own this summer. They will also work on a support letter in Bible class this August.

Our leadership team is excited to see the enthusiasm and teamwork the students are expressing at this early date. I am confident that they will do amazing things for His Kingdom as they prepare for their journey begins to become student missionaries. Please continue to pray for the students and the leadership team, as we plan and prepare this trip.

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