Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Amazing Day

The 8th grade student missionaries went to Adelaide Primary school today. This school is located in one of the poorest villages on the island, but has some of the dearest children in the world. Our students led an assembly that included worship, dance and a students testimony. After the assembly, our students had the opportunity to face paint and do balloon animals while they shared the Gospel. We spent a few hours there, but it only seemed like a few minutes. Our students were reluctant to leave because they wanted to continue to love on these young children that needed so much attention.
I received word from the Eleuthera camp today. Unfortunately, their Internet connection is not reliable. As a result, they have not been able to make any blog postings. They will be arriving back in Nassau tomorrow night, so I will get you caught up on them at that time.
The evening came to a close in Nassau once again around the camp fire. During the worship time, the students began to answer the challenge that was given to them on Monday evening. The challenge w to throw off the sin that so easily entangled them. They would do this by confessing that sin to the Lord and then placing it in the fire. The object that represented that sin was a simple pine cone. One by one, students tossed their sin into the fire, never to be picked up again.
Our time concluded after a great Bible study. Josiah Graves shared on God's grace and taught on the two prodigal sons in Luke 15. It was powerful and had a profound effect on all of us.
As I write the happenings of this week, I am filled with encouragement in my heart. I know that many of our student missionaries have been forever changed. As always, I am blessed to witness the transformation of these students, as they begin to practice the faith that they have been taught most of their lives.


cammy sims said...

Thanks Mr Ellis and awesome leaders!!! Rock on! xoxo to Storm

Leo Ferro said...

God bless the work that is being accomplished to give Him glory and praise. The prayers continue to lift the complete team on this mission trip. Teachers, volunteers and most of all these young disciples of Jesus Christ.

“Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love,
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved, as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.”
― St. Francis of Assisi

Elyse Fuchs said...

Thank you Mr. Ellis for the communication and everything else you are doing! Praise God for the great things he has done and is doing in your midst! We are blessed to be an extended part of your mission. Thank you to all the others that are building into our childrens be forever changed for God's glory. CCA students "be strong in the Lord, sharing HIS love with those in need"! HE is pleased! :)

CCAmomOf5 said...

Thanks so much for the updates - Praying for great salvation stories. Please send our love and hugs to Alyssa!

Bruna Victoria said...

Bruna ,have a good rest and dream ,Your day was amazing day,God Bless you all.

shirley said...

Miss You Princess, have a safe trip back home ,we continue to Pray for the last minute Miracles that God will do before you all leave the Island, Will be marck in earth and in the heaven,Praise the Lord for all , He is good,blessings to all of you.I see you in the morning ,have a good rest ,ok more tears ,but they are tears of Joy!!!!GBU