Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Team Two's Bahamas Arrival!

Flight 2 preparing to board

Flight 1 boarding

Team 2 made it! The flights were smooth, and we had a beautiful landing in the Bahamas. The MFI flights arrived at the Adventure Learning Camp just after 10:30 this morning and were greeted by the rest of the students and leaders.  Students have received their cabin assignments and are having camp orientation. After lunch we will be having some team building activities before dinner and campfire. Students and leaders are all excited to begin the work that God has called us to.

Team 2 receiving cabin assignments.


Jeni said...

Yea! We can't wait to see how the Lord works!!!

Mrs. Cindy Sumner said...

Thank you, Mrs. Lawson, for taking the time to post this information and share the pictures with us. We are all praying for you!

Kym Butler said...

Praying much fruit is borne and lives of the Bahamian people are impacted for the Kingdom!!!