Sunday, January 6, 2013

Street Evangelism in The Bahamas

Today was incredible. Please read a recap by Pastor Chapin.....

It started off with prayer.  The next person walking Bank Street in Nassau was named Fritz.  Fritz was greeted with, "Hi my name is Zack, do you know Jesus as your Lord and savior?"  In a few moments of sharing John 3:16 AND THE LOVE AND GRACE OF JESUS FRITZ WAS ASKING JESUS INTO HIS HEART!!  

In each of our groups, at Subway restaurants, in front of the cruise ship terminal and out in the open street, our "gallant and faith-filled" kids and leaders tenderly and lovingly shared the Gospel with those the Holy Spirit led us to.  In the course of approximately 2 plus hours, our kids and team members witnessed to hundreds of people with many, many street-side conversions.  

The joy of the Lord was truly our strength as we each had ample opportunities to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit to those he has selected for salvation that day.  Some of the comments from our kids about today included, "it feels good to share my faith with people," and, "I can't believe I just did that!  I am so excited to do this!"  The bus ride home was loud,  joy-filled and full of enthusiasm for the evangelism we all had a chance to participate in today.

Thank you Jesus for those who got saved today. Please encourage and strengthen them in their relationship with you Lord, amen. - Pastor Chapin Marsh


Michael Ellis said...

So proud of our students! Continue to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Unknown said...

2Cr 6:2 For He says: "In an acceptable time I have heard you, And in the day of salvation I have helped you." Behold, now [is] the accepted time; behold, now [is] the day of salvation.