Praise The Lord for excellent flights, clear skies and safe arrival to the Bahamas.
50 of the team flew on amazing charter run by Missionary Flights International. It was truly a blessing with an amazing crew, flight, service and possibly the best landing I personally have ever experienced.
The next few days let's consider this, "What if....What if These youth stepped out and trusted God to use them to do the extraordinary? If we allow Him to, God masterfully weaves his tapestry of lives and circumstances in a remarkable way. May these youth be inspired and seek to serve Jesus with your passions-passionately."
The team unpacked in their cabins, Pastor Sean from 678 shared a devotional, and Tom Schaffer (who serves as a missionary at the ALC) shared his testimony and rules of the camp with the students. We are off to lunch. Check for another post later today!
Mr. charge, like a boss! Have a great week team!!
Rom 13:1 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.
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