Thursday, January 6, 2011

This is Life Changing

Many challenges can come when sharing the Gospel because there is a very real enemy that is fighting for the souls we are trying to reach. Wednesday had a few challenges, but the Lord was faithful and He opened doors to share that we did not know were even there.

One of our teams was scheduled to go to a children's home. When they arrived, the administrators acted surprised to see them, but did give them some things to do around the property. These projects only lasted an hour and our team was left with several hours before the children would arrive from school. The team leader heard the ringing of school bells near by so he went for a walk to see where it was at. When he found the school, he walked in and met the principal and noticed a large Bible on her desk. He told her what our students were doing and asked if there was anything they could do to help them. She said they had no projects, but she would call an all school assembly and our students could share with them. The students planned on ministering to 22 children that day, they ended up sharing their faith with 700 children! They were also allowed to go into the classrooms 2 at a time to give their testimonies. Many children prayed to received Christ. Making Him known.

So many God stories took place yesterday that I can not do justice to. One team shared at 2 other schools, others served their fellow classmates by moving their luggage from the camp to the hotel, others served the people of All Saints lunch. Each opportunity to serve has a story, each student has a perspective. Only God knows the eternal impact. And that was just during the day. The Lord poured back into our students last night during our fire time. Many came away with a greater understanding of who they are in Christ. Knowing Him.

Our teams switched locations last night so they will have new experiences today. Please continue to pray for the harvest and that our many workers will be ready.


noel said...

Mr Ellis, you have no idea how much your updates mean to us back home. We are encouraged and sustained by the effort of the leaders and the students. I think as parents, we are being challenged to release the very ones we hold so close... Not an easy task. Thank you for the amazing update, thank you for sacrificing your time to be there, and thank you for leading our children on this life changing trip! Please let Christian and Cayla know we miss them and are so proud of them! You all are contstantly in our thoughts and prayers, The Reis Family

Unknown said...

This has been Coral's goal since kindergarten. She has looked forward to this trip. We are thankful for CCA and the administration that makes this possible. Lisa and I encourage all to serve joyfully, while we give of ourselves to others, it is the Holy Spirit Who gives to us. We ask God to bless your time, and to always bring glory to His name through your lives!

Unknown said...

Mr Ellis, Thank you for this beautiful update,it really touched my heart to see how God is using our kids for His glory. I too agree with Noel, that as a parent God is challenging me to release the very ones I hold so close. ( Which hasn't been easy) Thank you, the teachers, and leaders for your dedication to our kids and His service. Please tell Angelica that we miss her soooo much but most of all how Proud of her we are!!! We continue to pray for the whole group and what God is doing. With all our love, Mom, Dad, and Victoria Maseda

Anonymous said...

Mr. Ellis, Please tell Tristan we all wish him a Happy 14th Birthday today!!!! We are praying for all of you and know God is using you in mighty ways!!!!

Derek, Naomi and Brock

Summer said...

We are proud to be part of the CCA family and appreciative of the life changing opportunities our students have during this ministry. Thank you to administration and parents who have made this possible for our children. We are praying for Sage and his leaders and can't wait to hear more about how God is using them to furthur His Kingdom!

Jan said...

Mr. Ellis, thank you so much for the updates. God is surely at work through you, all the leaders, and all of the students who are there ministering to others needs. Please know there are many prayers going up for the work God is doing there through all of you and we all look forward to hearing many "God stories"!

Bill said...

Mr. Ellis, what a wonderful update, thank you. As parents we anticipate every update and rejoice to read of how the Lord is working through all of you.

Will, many are praying for you daily, keep looking to Him. We love and miss you partner.

Praying for all of you now.

Bill & Joylyn Hinson

Ceri U said...

Wow, I did NOT expect to get emotional reading a blog, but there it is! What a powerful lesson for all the kids as they roll with things they can't control and come up doing what they've been taught through the amazing ministry of CCA, despite difficulty and disappointment. Our prayers for you all continue - thanks for your diligence in keeping us "posted" and to the many leaders giving so sacrificially to be there with our kids.

Unknown said...

Thank you Mr. Ellis. These are great updates to read! I rejoice in knowing that my son & the team are being challenged in their walk with Christ & know that everything that happens is for God's glory. I pray that God is becoming very personal to them.

Jordan, I pray you are a blessing & are being blessed. 2 verses the Lord put on my heart to encourage you today are: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart & lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him & He shall direct your paths." (Prov 3:5-6) & "...we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us." (Rom 5:3b-5)

Keep fighting the good fight team & don't ever lose heart. You have an eternal reward waiting for you!

Love you Jordan!!!!


Geri Rubin said...

I thank God for the leadership team. I pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to inspire and strengthen you.
Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God,the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired and weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.
He gives stregth to the weary and increases the power of the weak, Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary,they will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 40:28-31
Go soar with the Holy Spirit! God Bless You!
I love you and miss you Deborah!
In Him, Geri and Mom

Tracy Ellis said...

wow! sounds like an awesome day with huge opportunities for the Kingdom of God! Thank you, for these updates and please tell Grant we are praying for him and miss him very much.
Reed and Tracy Ellis

Denise Slade said...

Praise God. I am so thankful to hear how God is using our students to have this opportunity to witness to the Bahamian people and to us as well. We can look at our own lives and circumstances when things don’t go as planned but God shows up in a mighty way and does the unexpected!!
To Brooke: We are so proud of you and the desire you have to serve the Lord. I pray that you will continue to draw closer to God and truly live for Him!!! We will continue to pray for you and excited to see you on Sat. -Mom, Dad, Jenna & Will
"I can do all things through CHRIST who strengthen me!!!!!!!
Dina Coffin, my sister in Christ, thank you for your commitment to our Lord, prayers and a servants heart.
CCA Teachers, may you be blessed abundantly for all that you do, thank you!
Matthew 6:33 - The Slade Family

Unknown said...

We can't wait to hear every detail. To God be the glory for the work being done in His name. Thank you to all the staff and student leaders who are so giving of their time and talents as they disciple our children. Autumn, we love you and pray for you constantly. We will see you soon! Love, Dad, Mom, Daniel, and Guin-Guin

Denisha said...

Thank you so much for the updates. Our family is so blessed and thankful for CCA. We can't wait to hear about all the experiences and the lasting impact that will come from this trip on everyones' lives. Our God is an awesome God. Tell Corinna that we love her and miss her very much. Can't wait to see her on Saturday.
With Love,
Mom, Dad, Alexis, Halle and Naomi Kuchenbecker

Mary Beth said...

Mr. Ellis,
Thank you for your updates. We look foward to reading them daily. We have been trusting for God's blessing over the entire group all week. We are looking forward in great faith to hearing the many stories of how God has worked through each and every one of you. We love you so very much Scott and remember Proverbs 3:5-6.
Love, Mom, Dad and Toby

Unknown said...

So glad to hear you are all doing well. PLease tell Natasha we miss her dearly and are loking forward to her safe return. May the Lord continue to use you all in a mighty way as you share His love, joy and peace. Praying for travelling mercies!
See you tomorrow!!! :) Love, Pat, Jackie, Joseph & Paul Patullo